Family Council Leadership philosophy Theocracy vs Democracy Model: We advocate a "theocratic" model or a family "Under God." In this model the tenants of the Judeo/Christian doctrine are foundational to family rules of conduct and relationships. It provides a higher law. Decisions are made in conformity with these religious principles. The democratic model has been advocated in secular groups. This model is based on principles of independence and equality with majority rule in family decisions. Many of the concepts and principles will operate in both models. But, our experience is that the theocratic model has a deeper foundation on which to build. We use the theocrat model in this Family Council website.
Governing units in families Executive Council - Father, Mother and God make up this council. This councils meets regularly to prayerfully consider goals and direction of the family. They will also consider the needs and support of family members both physically and spiritually. They may also review items recommended from either of the other two councils- family and individual.
Family Council - family members make up this council. This council acts as the operational/management arm of the family. Managing all facets of the unit - mission, goals, weekly administration, concerns/issues, and life missions. This website is dedicate to family council operations
Individual Councils - parents and child. This type of council can be formal or informal with one or both parents but the object is the same: conversations about the child's life and personal goals, challenges, and achievements. Information from these conversation can be valuable input for the family or executive council discussion where family support is necessary but must be done without breaking confidences.
Management of the Family Council The Family Council is a total participatory organization with all members even from a young age contributing.The officers include: Presiding officer(s) - Parents (Executive council) The parents preside at all councils and either may conduct although children under parental direction may conduct the meeting. The agenda should be reviewed before the meeting and basic council rules established with the parents. Family members with staff calling - All family members should have council staff callings and support one another in their assignments to further the mission of the family and support individual members goals and family responsibilities.